Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Strangest Homes You've Ever Seen

In event of the season, I’ve decided to stray a little from the norm, and instead of writing about interesting décor ideas, real estate, or the comings and goings of Austin folk, I’ve decided to take on something different. Today, I want to share with you some of the strangest and weirdest homes ever built. 

1-     Everingham Rotating House in Taree, Australia

This is an octagonal house that actually rotates a full 30 degrees with a few mechanical buttons. The rotating device consists of 32 outrigger wheels powered by two 500 watt electric motors, allowing the owner to spin the house whenever he wants. The process takes anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours.

2-     The Nautilus

This is a seashell shaped home that was finished in 2006.  It is a prime example of the new bio-architecture trend, a style that immitates animals and creatures. The Nautilus  is made like a crustacean Shell and filled with lots of vegetation and small trees. 

3-     The Montesilo in Woodland Utah

This is an award-winning home that was created when two corrugated grain silos where joined together. This is a neat way of repurposing an existing product. 

4- The Steel House in Lubbock Texas

This Steel home was built around 1974 but what makes it so interesting is that the structure is more like a sculpture than a home. The owner makes constant changes and the overall weight is about 110 tons. 

5- The Mushroom House in Cincinnati, Ohio

What makes this home unique is the undulating wood work and the strange shapes.  This is a home made of many different materials, which is what makes it so different and strange. The interior is just as oddly shaped as the exterior, yet very artistic.

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